Saturday, August 31, 2019

Case Study-Duraweld

1. List the 5S and compare to the lean implementation at Duraweld. If there are differences, explain them. The ‘5S’ principles which originated from Japanese terms of seiri (sort), seiton (set in order), seiso (shine), seiketsu (standardize) and shitsuke (sustain) are used to create efficient, clean and well organised working environment. Sort – refers to ensuring that each item in a workplace is in its proper place or identified as unnecessary and removed.When â€Å"sorting† is well implemented, communication between workers is improved and product quality and productivity are increased Set in order – The second stage of 5S involves the orderly arrangement of needed items so they are easy to use and accessible for â€Å"anyone† to find. Orderliness eliminates waste in production and clerical activities. Shine – refers to a clean work area. This maintains a safer work area and problem areas are quickly identified. An important part of à ¢â‚¬Å"shining† is â€Å"Mess Prevention†. In other words, don’t allow litter, scrap, shavings, cuttings, etc. , to land on the floor in the first place.Standardized – means to formalized procedures and practices to create consistency and ensure that all steps are performed correctly. Orderliness is the core of â€Å"standardization† and is maintained by Visual Controls. Sustain – means to keep the process going through training, communication and organisation structure. This last stage of 5S is the discipline and commitment of all other stages. Without â€Å"sustaining†, the workplace can easily revert back to being dirty and chaotic. That is why it is so crucial for the workers to be empowered to improve and maintain their workplace.When employees take pride in their work and workplace it can lead to greater job satisfaction and higher productivity. Among the benefits of implementing 5S System:- * Improve safety * Decrease down time * Raise employee morale * Identify problems more quickly * Develop control through visibility * Establish convenient work practices * Increase product and process quality * Strengthen employees’ pride in their work * Promote stronger communication among staff * Empower employees to sustain their work area Duraweld applied ‘sort’ and ‘set in order’ principles by using a shadow box as proper tool storage.Storage areas for quick moving materials were set line-side. Labels were used to ensure tools were stored in proper place. These implantations have help to reduce worker’s travel time as all machines, tools, and information related to their task is set within a defined area. Duraweld ensure ‘shine’ / cleanliness is practice at the factory. Cleaning and maintenance procedures are advertised in the factory. The floors under the machines were purposely painted in white so as to ensure that spilled/oil leak can easily detected – w hich can prevent corrective maintenance. Duraweld created two-cell manufacturing units for repeat stock products.The floor was painted to define the work area, aisle space and location of necessary items. By linking the routes together, the production team managed to reduce conveyance and set-up time, build awareness of previous/next process and increase productivity. This ‘standardized’ process was further enhanced by the implementation of Kanban cards – the visual management system that incorporates scheduling and maintenance. The Kanban cards indicate what to produce, when to produce and how much to produce. These standard operating procedures has help to reduce over-production at Duraweld.Furthermore its ‘pull’ as opposed to ‘push’ system allows better regulation of intermediate stocks in the production cycle. Among the key factors which lead to successful lean implementation in Duraweld is through its ‘sustain’ processe s. The company ensures its employees from shop floor to the top managements are committed to the lean programme. Proper communication sessions via workshops, training were held to explain about the changes, how it affect them, the benefit etc. This helps to instil positive values and make everyone be part of the system – employee engagement.Duraweld has also invested in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to micromanage stock variation and seasonality. This system link operation across the organisation. The practicality of 5S principals can be seen through various implementations in Durawell as explained above. What makes the implementation of these principles throughout the organisation a big success is its employee’s engagement that makes the lean system as part of their culture in their work place and organisation as a whole. The principle aim of a 5S system is improved safety, efficiency, and employee morale.By deciding what should be kept, where it should be kept, and how it should be kept, 5S eliminates wasteful clutter and creates ownership of processes among workers. The results of 5S are both visually and economically dramatic. 2. Describe which kind of waste was eliminated for each lean implementation at Duraweld. Can you think of other types of waste that could be eliminated? Waste is defined as non-value added activity or expense that the customer is not paying for. By eliminating waste in the operations, we can reduce lead times, increase quality and decrease costs.Before we can eliminate waste from the processes, we need to be able to identify it. The following are the wastes most commonly associated with Lean. * Transportation: Is there unnecessary (non-value added) movement of parts, materials, or information between processes? * Waiting: Are people or parts, systems or facilities idle – waiting for a work cycle to be completed? * Overproduction: Are you producing sooner, faster or in greater quantities than the cu stomer is demanding? * Defects: Does the process result in anything that the customer would deem unacceptable? Inventory: Do you have any raw materials, work-in-progress (WIP) or finished goods that are not having value added to them? * Movement: How much do you move materials, people, equipment and goods within a processing step? * Extra Processing: How much extra work is performed beyond the standard required by the customer? At Duraweld, the 5S (Sort, Set to order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) was the cornerstone that helps the organisation eliminating the waste. The first step taken by Duraweld was converting a ‘push’ manufacturing flow to a ‘pull’ process by creating a visual management system of Kanban card.The cards indicate what to process, when to process and how much to produce. Not only it reduces over-production but allows better regulation of intermediate stocks in production cycle. Only the required amount is produced in every stage. This process eliminate waste – no work was carried out unnecessarily, machine time is lesser, better utilisation of space in factory. The use of shadow boards helps to organise the essential tools. Relevant machines and tools were aggregated in cells. Floors were painted in white to assist warning of maintenance issues or detect early wear.Labelling program ensures item/tool used returned to their designated location. This helps in reducing motion of workers i. e. one of the wastes in production line whereby workers can find all machines, tools, and information related to their task is set within a defined area without having to travel around to find what they need. The preventive maintenance by ensuring early detection of wear machine or tools can reduce maintenance cost. The 3S – sort, sort in order and shine exercises as explain above also found waste from plastic cuts from the production line which can be recycled and reinserted the manufacturing cycle.The implementatio n of visual management technique and clear work area organisation ensure people were kept working which means the resources are fully utilised. This eliminates unproductivity among the workers – their movements are fully controlled not only by the supervisors but also by the workflow process/schedules. Duraweld made big investment by using an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to manage stock variation and seasonal stock adjustments. The system allows materials movements, stocks, and production schedules to be managed and monitored through a database in a computer.By using this technology, Duraweld can reduce its manpower cost whereby less supervisor is require to monitor the database as compared to more supervisor required to monitor each tasks if it’s done manually. Communication is the key success to sustain the lean implementation in the organisation. Clear message was sent across the board on how the changes is require to be done, the benefits an d the impact of the implementation to the workers effectively communicated. This not only gets rid of grievances among the workers which are a waste in any organisation but improve employee morale and create sense of belonging to the organisation.The tracking and elimination of waste is an on-going process. When waste is not actively sought and removed, it will continue to build in your company. 3. Considering Duraweld’s situation, explain which elements of the lean system you would further implement and what would be their positive consequences on the company. As discussed in question no. 2, one of the important elements in the lean system is eliminating the waste which in Duraweld’s case, the 5S systems are used as a tool to eliminate the wastes within its factory.On top of that the use of Kanban cards system help to increase efficiency in its production cycle by replacing the ‘push’ system with the ‘pull’ system. In my opinion, the followin g elements of Lean can be further implement at Duraweld:- 1) Visual Management: A Standard Operating Procedure and a step-by-step instruction which implemented through the visual management such as a manual board/instruction board at each workstation and machine can be used to show how each task is perform or machine is operated.When this visual management is fully utilised, not only the production flows are in order, job rotation among workers can be perform effectively – any employees can be trained to do any task or operate any machine by referring to the instruction board. This will reduce the company dependency of particular skilled workers. Everyone in the shop floor is multi-tasked. 2) Quality at the source: The quality at source require the production line to do things right the first time. This will eliminate the opportunity of waste i. e. waste of raw material, defect outputs etc. hich will help to reduce cost. At the early stage of production cycle, the workers wil l inspect, analyse and control their own work to guarantee that the goods and services passed on to the next process stage meet the specification/requirement. 3) Continuous improvement: Conventional wisdom told us â€Å"if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! † The reality of today’s business environment is that if we’re not improving our business processes and meet and exceed customers’ expectation, our business will not survive. Many organizations create change either by vision or by crisis.The latter seems to be the most prevalent. A major crisis takes place that forces a company to make an improvement. When a crisis hits, it’s because the vision or change efforts were not sufficient to avoid it. Quick fixes are then applied, and teams are formed to root out the problems. We have to take the time to step back, identify, and analyze what the real issues are, and the type of method to use. There are numerous improvement choices; Kaizen, Lea n Manufacturing, Six Sigma, TQM, Process Reengineering, Value Propositions, etc. 4) Standardized OperationsOne of the most important tools of lean manufacturing is standardized work. When starting a 5S program, the cleaning, organizing, and developing of sustainable practices is done so the elements of work can be standardized. In lean product development deployments, by developing and releasing design guidelines, we are in effect implementing standardized work for engineers. The principles of lean and flow production do not work well when everyone is allowed to choose the method or sequence in which to do the job; quality suffers, and productivity drops.This reduces throughput and the carefully developed production system develops unanticipated bottlenecks. Standardized work is a detailed, documented and visual system by which associates develop and follow a series of predefined process steps. It should be used whenever the work requires completing a series of tasks. Production wor kers, shipping departments, and warehousing teams all can benefit from implementing standardized work. References:- 1. Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Techniques. Retrieved December 1, 2012, from Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Techniques | eHow. com

Grand Canyon Essay Essay

Although not a more prominent theme, the theme of things happening for a reason and changing your life was also shown in the movie Grand Canyon. Through my own life experiences and the through the experiences of others I too have learned that things do happen with reason and that things may not seem good right at the moment, but things will turn out right in the end. To me, the movie showed this theme, but more subliminally then up front. When times do look bad, have faith and know that things will turn out for the better and that there’s a reason for why things are the way they are. In the beginning of the movie we see that Mack gets into car trouble in the wrong side of town. As Mack is beginning to be harassed by a couple of gangsters, Simon comes to the rescue. Simon, the tow-truck driver tells the gangsters to back off, thus saving Mack’s life. Mack is therefore grateful of what Simon has done. Despite the fact that Mack could’ve gotten himself killed, Mack wised up and made a new friend. In another part in the movie Simon’s sister’s house was shot at (they live in the wrong part of town). At first, his sister decides to just stay there, but later moves into an apartment that Mack suggested they get. Then there was the part where Simon and Jane, a girl Mack set up with Simon hit it off right away after their first date. If you think real hard about it, all those things that happened never would’ve happened if that night Simon and Mack had not met. Even though it was a bad way to meet, things did turn out right. Everyone involved learned more about each other and themselves and everything did turn out for the better. As did the case with Mack’s wife, Claire. One day on one of Claire’s daily jogs she literally finds a baby behind some bushes. Claire takes the baby into her care and later plans to adopt the child. The child seems to be what Claire was missing all this time. The baby seemed to fill an emptiness she had. As these situations in the movie shows, there is reason for why things are the way they are and that in turn changes our lives completely. In my own life experiences, I’ve come to terms with my faith in God and the belief that things happen with reason and that God would not abandon you. My mom has also taught me and instilled that belief in me. In the past couple of years things have been on the rough for my family and I. Four years ago  my dad lost his stable job of about 10 years. During and throughout that period of about a year, money was somewhat a problem and with each new day my dad became more and more depressed as each job interview passed with no reply. During that time my mom, told us to believe and kept telling us that bad things do happen, but they only happen when something better is to come. About 2 years ago, Bell Canada employed my dad. His office was even closer than the old one and his new office was larger and my dad loved his new job. My mom was right. But that’s not where it all ends. A year and a half ago, my dad was transferred to a Mississauga branch. My dad hated the commute each morning and you could tell he wasn’t liking it there. They were understaffed there so he always worked overtime, and that meant leaving later from his already far workplace. He was stressed a whole lot. Once again, my mom told us that this is just a period of time that tests us and that things would turn out for the best. About a year ago today, my dad was transferred to one of Bell Canada’s downtown branches. My dad now works right in the Eaton Centre and my dad is so happy. Through just that whole ordeal I’ve learned first, how powerful prayer really is and second, that things do happen for a reason. When my dad first moved to Mississauga he was thinking of quitting and looking for a new job, if he had done that he wouldn’t have ended up where he was today. Through many other experiences I have learned that something very little can change your life forever and that God only gives you things He knows you can handle. It may seem like through my experiences I’ve learned two different things, but to me they go together. God communicates to us through many different ways, so does fate. The littlest things like going to the mall or going home can change our lives forever. More recently, was the terrorist attack in the U.S. In the news and from various other sources you hear stories about people who missed their train or slept in that morning and therefore missing out on the Trade Centre collapsing. Just missing out by a few seconds how just by being late could change your life forever. It also shows the power of fate, it wasn’t your time to pass on. As little as something may seem, it can alter your life in more ways than one. When your life seems out of place or when you’re going through rough times,  you’ve got to just remember that things always turn out for the better. If something good has passed you by now, something better for you is bound to be coming soon. Though you may not be optimistic something better is coming, you’ve got to believe so. That something better may not come big, but it will change your life forever.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Leadership literature Essay

I can distill my personal command philosophy into four concepts†¦no catch phrases or buzz words†¦just simple principles[a1]  .   First, a commander needs to shut up [a2]  and let their [a3]  folks do their job as much as possible.   Second, a commander must clearly understand what the [a4]  individuals and organization expect from them.   Third, a commander must create their own reality.   Finally, a commander must be genuine.   Before explaining, I should probably qualify that what I’m[a5]   about to say is a product of my warped set of experiences.   It is in no way meant to be derisive or satirical†¦it’s just what I know to be true. Surely everyone is familiar with the notion that a well-executed, mediocre plan is much better than a poorly-executed perfect plan.   This [a6]  is the crux of empowering people.   Countless times[a7]   I have observed people discussing different approaches to a problem often pitting leaders against workers on how to skin the cat.   Unfortunately, the leader usually weighs in with the final say even overruling subject matter experts. [a8]   This leaves the subordinates to swallow the â€Å"front office† solution and try to make it work. Of course [a9]  most employees are good followers and they make it happen according to plan but there are several drawbacks of the top-down approach.   [a10]  First, it can take time for people to buy into a solution they played no part in conceiving.   Second, it can stifle solutions from the experts in the future. Third, it pulls the leader further into the weeds as direction is necessary to verify and vector progress[a11]  .   Why is this so hard to achieve in practice?   Perhaps it is personality driven, or perhaps it is instilled by senior mentors, but   for [a12]  some reason most leaders seem to lack the mental or moral aptitude to let folks press with solutions they deem â€Å"inferior.†Ã‚   Why not ask, â€Å"What do you think we should do?† and give that solution your full support.   Folks will take immediate ownership and you’ll be floored [a13]  by the results. Leadership literature is filled with cursory calls for the leader to communicate their [a14]  vision, goals and expectation.   Honestly, this somewhat of a cop out[a15]  .   Of course a leader needs to take an organization in [a16]  a clear direction, but [a17]  that direction has everything to do with context.   It is completely absurd to create a vision or organizational climate that fosters risk taking [a18]  at a nuclear base or rapid uninformed decisions in an engineering design flight. Likewise, it is equally ridiculous to roll into a squadron trying to pump [a19]  everyone up following a commander that rode them all into the ground during an ORI[a20]  .   A wise commander would take a moment to figure out, â€Å"What does this unit need from me?†Ã‚   Do they need a disciplinarian to check rampant DUIs?   Do they need a personable/approachable commander to get them through a recent suicide?   Perhaps they just need some top cover from the group or wing so they can get their jobs done.   Of course this will vary during a commander’s tenure as events occur and the personality [a21]  of the organization changes; the key to know what your folks expect of you. [a22] We’ve heard the anecdotes contrasting the impact different commanders have on the same organization, â€Å"under Col Smith my unit happy [a23]  and effective but after Col Jones took command, we were miserable and unproductive.†Ã‚   This is a good illustration of how commanders create their own reality.   Commander and supervisors who lament over their long hours, stressful environment and massive workload cannot improve their plight until they realize that they create this reality. Typically this frenetic environment is the result of a combination of poor organizational skills, micromanagement, lack of decision making and insufficient triage.   Conversely, the alternate universe that a commander should seek to create is one where folks understand what’s important, are trusted to work those priorities and insulated from distractions.   Likewise, the commander needs to be competent enough to know when to make a decision and when to shut up.   It all sounds simple, but in practice, creating this reality can be very difficult especially if there are strong type-A personalities within the unit or in the chain of command. The final concept and one that a commander has the least control over is sincerity.   One can do all the right things and say all the right things [a24]  but still be ineffective if they are not true to themselves.   If a commander isn’t passionate about what they [a25]  are [a26]  doing, doesn’t care about their[a27]   unit, or doesn’t respect their [a28]  boss, no amount of tap dancing or rhetoric will mask it.   This can be the result of apathy, narcissism or any number of other traits but it always shines through. Likewise, if a soft-spoken introvert wants to become a cheer-leading, fist-pumping commander, it will fall short.   Some amount of self-centeredness can be mitigated through education, self-reflection and mentoring but only to an extent.   Similarly, changing personal techniques or leadership styles to suit a specific situation can compensate for some personality traits.   The bottom line is that I would much rather work for a commander that was an uncharismatic, wrinkled blob who truly cared over the ‘GQ[a29]  ,’ smooth-talking egotist irrespective of how competent, ethical or confident they were. You might be thinking, â€Å"wait a minute, this guy is forgetting all the important stuff like core values, standards and discipline.†Ã‚   Well, yes, I did†¦I only have three pages and so accept these â€Å"bumper stickers† as given.   Will I expect service, integrity and excellence?   Absolutely!   Do I plan to emphasize safety, accountability and ethics?   No doubt!   I’m a military professional—anything less would be unacceptable.   It is actually these fuzzy principles (and others like them) that distinguish the vision-puking, smooth-talking automaton from an effective commander and leader in my book[a30]  .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Reason of hotel price changing of Hotel du vin Birmingham Speech or Presentation

Reason of hotel price changing of Hotel du vin Birmingham - Speech or Presentation Example The reasons behind this increase are economic and based on market analysis. First, there is the increasing cost of products production and services delivery globally. This implies that for the last few years, the cost of rooms in major hotels has been increasing. However, despite the expected increase which has been steady over the years, a tremendous increase must have had another reason. As reported in earlier this year, the tourism industry in Birmingham city has been growing since 2012. This prompted the major hotels to advance their services to meet the expected demand. The development comes with expenses, and the market demand is expected to cover those expenses and make the process profitable. This is the main reason the bookings, as well as the prices of rooms, have increased over the last one month. In addition, market psychology has also played a part in the change. With the increased demand and modernisation of services, the marketers have used the principle of market psychology in which the customers are driven to assume that the most expensive provides the best services. They have therefore increased the prices in a competitive strategy to control the reasoning of the customers in which the economists call reverse psychology of marketing. Further, there has been an increasing need for the hotel industry to embrace technology in products and services delivery. Technology is costly but a major requirement in many industries today. This has prompted the hotel to increase prices, take advantage of the current demand with tourism growth and increasing revenue. Hotel du Vin Birmingham  .;label=du-vin-birmingham-WwDjdb06pLcrC70B425p8gS32443427113%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg;sid=4ca5973a3f39e1501dee98b8ba487978;dcid=1;ucfs=1;srfid=942ca71d04271f7f8199ebe93a58d025d2b2eabbX1#map_closed Sinha, I. (2006).  Reverse

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Measure of your own physical fitness Assignment

Measure of your own physical fitness - Assignment Example Risk factors questionnaire first will involve collection of information involving risk factors. This may be by giving questionnaires to individuals who have been proven clinically to be normal and those suffering from dementia. This questionnaire is administered to a number of about six thousand individuals. The questionnaire is set as follows: Students stress scale investigates the relationship between anxiety, leisure satisfaction, time management and academic stress. A stress scale for a student will be as follows; considering that people who have 100 percent and higher have a lofty health risk, while those scoring 60 percent to 100 percent have a half chance of health changes which are serious. Those below 60 percent have health changes which are less serious. Stress levels are measured by considering the health status of the student; hence the scale will show the incident that leads to stress and then the health status which dictates the stress level (Landow 38) The stress scale includes various factors that have a direct impact on the health status of students. Taking the test helps to make the stress levels go down to avoid getting stress related illnesses such as blood pressure, and blood sugar related complications. The scale is constructed for a specific period and at these instances the total percentages are taken to evaluate the total stress levels, and hence finding the health risks the student may go through. The scale is vital for students who have to combine schooling, family and social matters (Landow 128). The social readjustment rating scale is a sort of questionnaire that identifies major life events which are stressful. The rating scale involves awarding an event which is stressful a unit which represents life changes. It depends on how traumatic the event was felt by the students who are the participants in this case. The student can then come up with a total value by adding the unit awarded for every event for a period of 12

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Analysis of Health Currently Affecting the Australian Population Essay

Analysis of Health Currently Affecting the Australian Population - Essay Example First, cardiovascular diseases are heart conditions which commonly affect the heart and blood vessels surrounding it. It includes coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, and an ischemic heart (WHO, 2011). It includes various conditions of the heart and blood vessels; the common issue in relation to heart disease being atherosclerosis where plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries reducing blood supply to the heart, causing heart attacks, and sometimes to the brain, eventually leading to stroke (National Heart and Medical Research Council, 2011). This paper shall provide an analysis of the health issue, then discuss and analyse the health issue in relation to the population/community it usually affects, the scope of the health issue as well as its implications for the affected population/community, the social determinants of health which affect the health problem. It shall also provide an analysis and evaluation of relevant current primary health care services and initia tives which are in place to address this issue, including its strengths and limitations. Finally, a proposal on additional services needed to address this issue shall also be established. ... Their higher risk for the disease is mostly attributed to the fact that a large number of them are overweight, smokers and who are physically dormant. Those in the lower socioeconomic groups are also liable to suffer this disease more than the general Australian population. The death rates for the disease in this group was registered those as high compared to those in the higher social sets (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006). Studies also revealed that those in the lower social sets were likely to be involved in smoking; many of them had hypertension and were overweight. In relation to age and sex, those in the older population are likely to be afflicted by cardiovascular diseases, owing to the wear and tear of the ageing process as well as the likelihood that they would also be afflicted with other diseases like obesity or diabetes (Department of Health and Ageing, 2007). Women were also registered with high rates of cardiovascular disorders. However, it was notable that males were more likely to die from this disease as they were tobacco smokers who were obese, hypertensive, and engaged in limited exercise. Those who are overweight and obese have the highest risk of being afflicted with a cardiovascular disease (Cameron,, 2003). Obesity has increased in Australia in recent years, and this trend has been more or less similar in other countries as well. Adults, 25 years and over present a 67% obesity rate in Australia, and 52% of women are considered overweight or obese (National Public Health Partnership, 2003). Among children, 20% are considered obese, and these who grow up to be obese were overweight adults when their eating and exercise habits were not corrected early during

Monday, August 26, 2019

MGMT 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGMT 3000 - Essay Example Some of the products and services in different business industries that are going to adopt share ownership strategies during the coming decade include transportation, food, finance, recreation, shelter, and entertainment (Gansky). In 2012 these new Mesh companies will form a global network called Grupo Mesh. The Grupo Mesh is expected to recruit nearly 80,000 members by the year 2020 (Gansky). The fact that nearly 20% of the business population will belong to Grupo Mesh means the initiatives of the association will greatly impact business trends in the near future. Rapidly growing cities particularly those located in India, Brazil, and Eastern Europe are prime targets for Mesh activity. Many governments worldwide are outsourcing their transportation agencies to the private industry. Green energy will allow communities to share resources in order get away from the petroleum dependency. After reading this article I became aware that there are many companies marketing products based on shared resources. In the food industry I have been the beneficiary of shared food resources in open food bar restaurants. Eating in all you eat buffets is a tremendous and exciting activity in which everyone in the restaurant shares the same food bar. Another example of an industry that has historically enable consumers to use a product without ownership is the auto industry. Leasing cars is a very profitable way to gain profits from a vehicle. The article mentions that green energy is going to help consumers reduce their electricity bills. An opportunity that is going to present itself for electric and hybrid cars is leasing replacement batteries to car owners. The entire discussion of Gansky’s article was very interesting and educational. I did not know of the existence of these Mesh companies. The mesh concept was invented a long time ago, but now it seems that more companies are attempting to exploit the marketplace with new innovative

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Madame Edwarda by Georges Bataille Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Madame Edwarda by Georges Bataille - Essay Example Madame Edwarda gives us an accurate introduction to Bataille’s work, where sometimes opposite feelings are combined to describe human state and his connections to higher thoughts. Whether violence is expressed through the narrator or Madame Edwarda’s character, it will give us different point of views. It will also help us understand the connection between violence and erotic that Bataille seems to convey through his work.  Ã‚   The first encounter between the narrator and Madame Edwarda, as presented before, is wordless. As soon as the narrator finished kissing and touching Madame Edwarda, he felt like something high above froze him and he â€Å"became unhappy and felt painfully forsaken, as one is when in the presence of GOD†. The consequence of this sadness was the narrator fear of losing the pleasure he was planning to have with Edwarda and his need to destroy the objects that were surrounding him.  In Georges Bataille: Essential Writings edited by Michae l Richardson , we are explained Bataille’s interest in death and sexuality as they are both manifestation of Bataille’s theory of man’s obsession to nature on which he bases most of his fictional work, historical and social analysis and mystical theory. Nevertheless, death and sexuality are contradictory to social life as they are both founded on taboos and prohibitions. In that first passage, we are clearly shown the basis of Bataille’s theory as the narrator feels sadness in the will of having a relation with a prostitute. It is a direct result of the social taboos linked to society

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Mississippi River Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Mississippi River - Essay Example Archaeologists use the term Mississippian to refer to the number of native Indian tribes that existed between about 750 and 1500 AD (or after) all over the Mississippi, Tennessee, and Cumberland River valleys. The Mississippian existence can be identified with a number of common characteristic traits: potteries generally ‘tempered’ with compressed ‘mussel shell’, rural-based maize cultivation, big ‘flat topped’ mounts placed in the vicinity of the town marketplace are all common features of Mississippians (Thomas, 1999, p. 151). Over the last few centuries, extensive archaeological works have been done in this region to know more about the Mississippian people. Their progress from dependence on forests to adoption of maize as a chief source of food is now linked up. Also, comparative studies between different regions forming the Mississippi, Tennessee, and Cumberland River valleys show that a common history united them and there were exchanges o f goods and art items between them. Bow and arrow were used by Mississippians. They related their agricultural vocation with religion. Mississippians worshipped a deity resembling fire-sun and travelled extensively. During the time when Mississippian tribes thrived, they use to organize large ceremonies in sites now called Cahokia, Moundville, Spiro, and Etowah. The Mississippian aristocracy was powerful with holdings of hundreds of small farmers who used to live in smaller fenced colonies and farms. A large part of eastern North America did not adopt the Mississippian culture. However, economies of all were relied on some degree to the Mississippian economy. Offspring of the great American Indian Confederacies of the American southland together with so-called Five Civilized Tribes are profoundly linked with their Mississippian heritage (Thomas, 1999, pp. 151). Cahokia is often called by the archaeologists as Mississippi City of the sun. Cahokia is one of the most important sites fo r archaeologists to understand the civilization of early Mississippians. Cahokia was the biggest city in the native North America. Situated on the extensive tidal plain that links the Mississippi river and the Missouri river, Cahokia possessed fertile soil and abundant wildlife. Around 700 AD, efficient villages were set up by late Woodlanders who depended on forests and also grew few farm products, including little maize. Cahokia was purposely situated near the main farmland belt, linked to the land and water routes and connecting the city to both nearby and faraway communities (Thomas, 1999, pp. 152, 154). According to Thomas, the more broad-based Mississippian culture evolved later, around 850 and 900 AD. Despite the fact that sedentary lifestyle of Mississippians varied distinctly from the forest-based Woodland community, it is believed that there was probably a genetic link between the two. Between 800 and 1100 AD, Mississippian people explored beyond customary Woodland-style f arming of native plants to opt for import of Mexican maize. Maize has been cultivated intensively throughout eastern North America long before, which was perhaps the reason for emergence of its more multifarious sociopolitical arrangement. Finally, the maize cultivation would be the backbone for the emerging Iroquoian federation of the Northeast, the Fort Ancient confederation beside the middle Ohio

Friday, August 23, 2019

The life of Mark Zuckerberg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The life of Mark Zuckerberg - Essay Example The aim of this essay is to sketch the darker side of Mark Zuckerberg’s personality, which is usually ignored. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most successful young developers, along with people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates etc. His success story, which started at a very young age and is very impressive, is however not without controversies and negativity. At one hand we see his apparently humble and simple self as he appears in public; on the other hand there is this haughty, selfish and immature side of him. Most of the times, greater focus is attached with his good and humble side, this essay however would highlight the other side of his personality. He developed his first music streaming platform, while he was still in high school. At that time, AOL and Microsoft showed interest in his creation but they were boldly rebuffed by young Zuckerberg. This gives an early example of his haughty behavior. Any other high school kid would have been very excited and rather highly indebted to those great companies for showing their interest but Zuckerberg had graeter plans. After getting into the prestigious Harvard University, Zuckerberg was a step even higher than before. His attitude with his college mates and towards college authorities is not a very impressive one. Apart from finally dropping out of college, he also had to face a lot of controversies and discipline issues while he was still at Harvard. His experiments like ‘facemash’ (a voting site) etc caused a lot of trouble, as in the case of Facemash the server of Harvard crashed and Zuckerberg was summoned in front of committee on disciplinary grounds. Thus being a student, his reckless and disastrous experiments were not much appreciated. Also his dropping out of college to focus on Facebook show his non serious and careless attitude towards studies as no sane person would like to drop out of such a prestigious Ivy League institution. The greatest controversy of Mark Zuckerberg’s

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Business Plan. It's about Pet shop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Plan. It's about Pet shop - Essay Example The company faces a threat to competitor, but its mission of employing professionally provides the company with an edge to outdo another firm in the market. The company aims to earn more revenue in training and grooming of pets as well as selling to new customers. Pet Shop is a partnership business that involves itself in pet fashion and beautification. Just like celebrities, pets have attracted an increased attraction among the citizen of the country. This gives Pet Shop a ready market for pet training, grooming and partnership in fashion shows and magazines. Pet Shop recruits experts and professional staff to improve service delivery to promote firm products in the market. The company recognizes the power of it suppliers and hold them at higher esteem to deliver on the target of the company. Pet Shop believes in happy and healthy families and thus encourages people to have one or two pet in their homes. Pet Shop aim at promoting the pet industry. The company has the strategy of training home pet as well as advocating fashions shows and partner selection to ensure the procreation of pets in their new homes. This would attract a lot of audience in the show business and guarantee a source of revenue for the company. Pet Shop prospect to partner with entrainment fashion show and magazine producers to sell it services to the public. This is a long term strategy. Therefore, because people love their cats and dog so much, Pet Shop promise to make people home a beautiful with smart pets around them. Pet Shop aim to attract more than 100 million customer in it five years in the business. This would be achieved by constant expansion of market from within the country to oversee and introduction of pets business in countries that do not practice pet ownership. The fashion industry is dominated by human and introduction of pets to fashion participant will be a game changer in the industry. This will attract celebrities to groom themselves as

How Langston Hughes exemplifies the African American Essay Example for Free

How Langston Hughes exemplifies the African American Essay Abstract Prejudice is the key feature in the authors theme. He wants to tell away about how people singles out people based on these people appearances, racial background affiliations and social ranking. Harper Lee has done well to show how the stigmatized people are innocent and oblivious of the prejudices against them. It is common knowledge that it’s way off to kill a mocking bird. The mocking bird in Harpers story is Boo Radley. Boo has not indulged in any harmful activities nor hurt anyone across the social Diaspora. However, Boo is looked down upon due to his social rankings and looks. However, Harper is also determined to show that prejudice is not in any way such a big deal in a sidelined person’s life. He shows courage and human dignity. This is well understood from the actions and feelings of Boo Radley. Prejudice, the self and the Character of Boo To Kill a Mockingbird identifies Arthur Radley as a courageous person. He saw evil in people who committed evil; he sought after positive projections in the society and wished better life for everyone. He is a patriotic and wonderful person. We identify perception about him through the children, they though he was evil based on the rumor ‘he struck his parent with scissors and wiped the bloody scissors with his pants which means he attempted murdering them These rumors scare Jem and Scout and make them eye Boo suspiciously. He is a fearful figure but confident. His character shows self assuredness and focus. Boo is mockingbird, he knows it and is keen on projecting himself as a steadfast and good citizen though looked down as an outcast of Maycomb. Boo has courage and hope. He has been locked away in his house just like Tom who was accused of rape (Lee, 195). Similar prejudices befall Boo, he saves Atticus children and no one looks at if it as anything of importance. However Lee advices against this in pg 90 when he says ‘Shoot all the blue jays you want, if u can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird’ (Lee 90). Â  Killing a mocking bird is also seen when the sheriff is not honest about the death of Bob Ewell. Ewell was stabbed as Boo tried to save Atticus kids. Boo is not convicted for his good deed since the sheriff declares that Ewell fell on his knife and died. Boo indeed sacrificed himself for Jem and Scout. People in Maycomb make wild allegations about him just because he doest seem fit to be one of them. However, we see perseverance, a lot of tolerance and a focus to remain loyal and committed to do good things in Boo. In spite of this prejudice, he serves and helps people. He is kind and a role model. In the book Lee exemplifies these attributes through Boo wrapping a blanket on Scout (Lee p.46). Â  Boo is also charged with the rape of Mayella Ewell. This is an indication of prejudice, but he doesn’t seem to be in bad terms with his detractors. He is focused on being positive minded. The burning of Maudie’s house is another picturesque that projects the good side of Boo. Boo pities, feels and seeks after doing good rather than watch and laugh as people enjoy ruin Conclusion A mocking bird is more of a social asset rather than a mocking object. We should have a very positive attitude towards people, stop being racist and quit playing apartheid practices. Boo exemplifies exemplary behavior and showcases respect to elders and all other social members without prejudice. We should uphold and force it down to our children and emulate positive attitudes as exemplified by Boo Source Lee Harper (1930)To Kill a Mockingbird

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Human Growth And Development

Human Growth And Development Human existence is not static and people are developing constantly (Thompson and Thompson, 2008: 83). For this reason, an understanding of development is central to undertaking professional social work at a high level of competence (Ibid.: 99). This case study focuses on Tony and Jan, their adopted nine year old son Sam, new baby and Jans mother Dorothy. It is evident from reading this familys background information that a social worker should consider theories of human growth and development in order to fully assess their circumstances and behaviour. Hence, this is where our attention will now turn but as time does not permit consideration of all family members, for the purpose of this assignment two will be concentrated on; Sam and Jan.   Sam Sam was adopted by Tony and Jan at four years old, a move which, despite initial reservations, was successful. However, in recent months Sams behaviour has deteriorated and this, alongside other problems, has led to the family seeking support. has long been regarded as significant in childrens development (Aldgate, 2007: 57). Bowlby (1977: 203) described attachment behaviour as behaviour resulting in a person attaining or retaining proximity to another differentiated and preferred individual, usually considered stronger and/or wiser. He considered it integral to human nature, seen to varying extents in all human beings and performed the biological function of protection (Bowlby, 1988: 22). can be affected when separated from a main attachment figure; especially if this happens involuntarily such as when a child is removed from their parents care (Aldgate, 2007: 64). Irrespective of their previous attachment experiences, they will find this frightening because â€Å"they do not know who to turn to help them return to a state of equilibrium† (Ibid.). This explains why children who have experienced abuse may still want to be with their parents, even if they are insecurely attached to them (Ibid.) and could illustrate why Sam was recently protesting that he wanted to go back to his real mother. Daniel (2006: 193) asserts children between the ages six months and four years are most vulnerable when separated from attachment figures because: â€Å"during these early years children lack the cognitive skills to comprehend the events leading to separation and this coupled with the propensity for magical thinking, means young children are highly likely to blame themselves for the loss†. Sam was adopted at four years old and although we know little about the circumstances with his birth parents, importantly his attachment bond was broken at this point. Aldgate (2007: 65) notes children who have lost attachment figures through entering the care system are at risk of further harm by insensitive responses to their attachment needs. Furthermore,   children beginning new placements with insecure attachment behaviour may test the parenting capacity of their carers (Ibid.) which could explain Sams recent deteriorating behaviour. Following two decades of research demonstrating that placement breakdown is an ongoing problem in the UK (Ibid.), practitioners working with this family should be especially careful to try to prevent this. Attachment theory differs from traditional psychoanalytic theories because it rejects the model of development proposing an individual passes through a series of stages, in which they may become fixated or regress (Bowlby, 1988: 135). Instead, this model sees the individual as progressing along one of many potential developmental pathways, some of which are or are not compatible with healthy development (Ibid.). Yet, the role of parents in shaping a childs personality has been critiqued by Harris (1999: xv; 359), who offers an alternative viewpoint in The Nurture Assumption and proposes it is experiences in childhood and adolescent peer groups that modify a childs personality in ways that will be carried forward to adulthood. Whats more, OConnor and Nilson (2007: 319) argue that amongst children in the foster care system, attachment is considered a powerful but diffuse source of behavioural and emotional problems. Almost any disruptive behaviour can be attributed to attachment diffic ulties in early relationships and the early experiences are often suggested as the only source of their problems, subsequently minimising the role of the current placement experiences (Ibid.). They contend following research demonstrating foster parents attachment and caregiving does influence the childs attachment to them, it is crucial that the impact of early attachment experiences on later development should not be considered independently of current caregiving environments (Ibid.: 320). Finally, providing that new attachment figures for children can respond to childrens attachment needs sensitively and are committed to handle any behaviour that may test their staying power, it is believed early patterns can be modified or discontinued (Aldgate, 2007: 66). Bronfenbrenners (1979) Ecology of Human Development looks beyond the impact of attachment to caregivers on development and offers much in terms of aiding our understanding of this families situation and behaviour. Bronfenbrenner (Ibid.: 3) developed his broader prospective to development, providing new conceptions of the developing person, the environment and the evolving interaction between them. He focussed on:   Ã‚   â€Å"the progressive accommodation, throughout the life span, between the growing human organism and the changing environments in which it actually lives and grows. The latter include not only the immediate settings containing the developing person but also the larger social contexts, both formal and informal, in which these settings are embedded†. (Bronfenbrenner, 1977: 513). According to Bronfenbrenner (1979.: 22), the ecological environment is comprised of a nested organisation of concentric structures with each one contained within the next. He labelled these the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem and each layer of a childs environment affects their development. When looking at the microsystem, the pattern of roles, interpersonal relations and activities experienced by the developing person in a given setting (Ibid.), there are ways this could have affected Sams development. For instance, within the family setting Jan has struggled to cope since the unexpected arrival of their baby, which subsequently could have affected Sams relationship with her. He now has to share his mothers attention with his sibling and may be feeling left out or jealous. Furthermore, the expense of IVF has resulted in Tony working more, rendering him absent from the household more frequently. This change may have influenced Sams relationship with Tony and he may be missing having his father around as in the past. Additionally, following his adoption, Dorothy felt uncertain whether to regard Sam as her real grandson, a tension which Sam may sensed himself. Bronfenbrenner   (Ibid.:7) also regarded the connections between other people in the setting of equal importance because of their indirect influence on the developing child through the effect they have on those who deal first hand with that person. Sams development could have been affected by strained relations between his parents as a result of Jan not receiving the support she needs from her husband due to his work commitments. Similarly, relations between Jan and Dorothy have become tense since the babys arrival with Jan expecting Dorothys assistance, which has not materialised. Beyond the microsystem, an exosystem refers to settings that the developing person is not involved in as an active participant but â€Å"in which events occur that affect, or are affected by, what happens in the setting containing the developing person† (Ibid.: 25). Bronfenbrenner (Ibid.) offered a childs parents place of work as an example and with the need for Tony to work as much as possible, a ny stresses he experiences in the work environment could impinge upon Sams development even though Sam spends no time in this setting himself.  Ã‚   This theory recognises everyone exists within a context influencing who they are and how they respond to situations in life (Phelan, 2004: online). Whilst   the building blocks in the environmental aspect of this theory were familiar concepts in the social and behavioural sciences, the way in which these entities relate to one another and to development was new (Bronfenbrenner, 1979: 8). Hence, before this theory, sociologists, psychologists and other specialists studied narrow aspects of childrens worlds (Brendtro, 2006: 163). However, Tudge et al.(2009: 6) evaluated the application of Bronfenbrenners theory in recently published work and found only 4 out of 25 papers claiming to be based on his theory had utilised it appropriately.   They contend if theory is to play an important role in developmental studies it must be applied correctly because:    â€Å"a failure to do so means that it has not been tested appropriately; data apparently supporting the theory do no such thing if the theory has been incorrectly described, and a misrepresented theory is impervious to attack from nonsupportive data† (Ibid.: 206).   Adoption is required when it is not possible for a child to return home, either because the parents are unable to care for them or change their lives in a way that would be safe for that child (Brent Council, 2010: online). Whilst we are uncertain of the circumstances leading to Sams adoption, we can speculate that the care provided by his birth parents was deficient. Infant brain research demonstrated that â€Å"if there is grossly inadequate care in infancy, the infants brain and other abilities that depend on brain development can be compromised† (Linke, 2000: online). The majority of the critical times for brain development occur before the age of six months and research indicated orphans adopted after this age made less progress than those adopted earlier (Ibid.). Furthermore, parts of the brain that regulate emotions and stress responses are organised early in a childs life and may not be changeable later (Ibid.). Subsequently, parts of the body and brain that respond to stress may become over sensitive and ready to respond to threat even when a threat is not manifest if the infant is continually exposed to trauma and stress (Ibid.). If Sam experienced   inadequate care in infancy it is possible that he has developed over sensitive stress responses and now regards the new baby as a threat, which could provide an explanation for his defiant behaviour and disinterest in his sibling. Pollak and the University of Wisconsin Child Emotion Lab are active in researching how early life experiences affect brain development (see Child Emotion Lab, 2009: online). However, he and his colleagues stress that not all children experiencing neglect develop the same problems (Wismer-Fries et al., 2005: 17239). In their work on the role of early social experience in subsequent brain development they found children experiencing lower hormonal reactivity may go on to develop satisfactory interpersonal relationships and highlighted potentially significant individual differences operating across the control group and the previously neglected group of children (Ibid.). Furthermore, other research led by Pollak has demonstrated how adjustable the brain can be when in the right environment (University of Wisconsin News, 2003: online). Their study of 5-6 year olds who lived in orphanages during their first seven to 41 months of life found that children performed better in many tests the longer they had lived with their adoptive families (Ibid.). Pollak (quoted in University of Wisconsin News, 2003: online) hopes these findings will encourage children to be placed in families rather than in institutional settings and â€Å"offer new avenues for designing more effective interventions that could help children who spent their early years in deprived environments reach their full potential†.  Ã‚   Jan Eriksons life cycle approach proposes at certain points in their lives, people encounter life crises creating a conflict within themselves as individuals and between themselves and other significant people in their lives (Gibson, 2007: 74). Each life crisis provides a conflict, characterised by a pull in different directions by two opposing dispositions, and if the individual achieves a favourable balance between these then they are as prepared as possible to move onto the next stage in the process (Ibid.). However, if one does not achieve this favourable ratio, this renders succeeding in subsequent life crises problematic (Ibid.). Generativity vs Stagnation is Eriksons seventh and penultimate stage of psychosocial development covering middle adulthood and generativity â€Å"is primarily the concern in establishing and guiding the next generation† (Erikson, 1965: 258) and represents the major conflict in adulthood (Slater, 2003: 57). As Slater (Ibid.) asserts, everybody has to face the crisis of parenthood whereby: â€Å"mmake a deliberate decision to become parents, but some become parents without conscious decision, others decide not to become parents, and still others want to become parents but cannot. The decision and its outcome provoke a crisis that calls for a re-examination of life roles†. Successfully achieving this sense of generativity is important for both the individual and society and parents demonstrate it through caring for their children (Slater, 2003: 57). A failure to achieve this leads to a feeling of stagnation and unproductivity (Heffner, 2001: online). Jan spent a long time trying to become a mother to fulfil this stage in Eriksons model and achieve a â€Å"favourable ratio† (Erikson, 1965: 262) of generativity over stagnation. After two years of trying to conceive, three unsuccessful attempts at IVF and two gruelling years of the adoption process, they adopted Sam and have since unexpectedly conceived naturally. However, as Erikson (Ibid.: 259) asserts â€Å" the mere fact of having or even wanting children does not achieve generativity†. Blyth (1999: 730) writing about assisted conception, importantly highlights parenthood after such efforts will not necessarily match expectations and Jans feelings of being a useless mother and finding mo therhood a struggle may be unexpected after trying for a family for such a long time. Furthermore, in this stage, the importance of adult mature dependency is implicitly inferred and suggests there are psychological rewards for those adults who can meet the needs of others and have other people dependent on them (Gibson, 2007: 83). Jan reports feeling unable to comfort her baby and meet their needs and this should be addressed by a social worker to prevent a â€Å"pervading sense of stagnation and impoverishment† (Erikson, 1965: 258) in this stage of the life cycle.   Slater (2003: 53) acknowledges Eriksons work, whilst grounded in psychoanalytic theory, rejects Freuds notion that personality is fixed by childhood experiences alone and provides an extension of the stages of development to cover adolescence, adulthood and old age. However, Rutter and Rutter (1993: 1-2) criticised theories such as Eriksons viewing psychological growth as a systematic progression through a series of stages in a predetermined order, through which everyone moves, taking them closer to maturity represented by adult functioning. This reliance on the universals of development and the notion of one developmental pathway has ignored individual differences (Ibid.). They   believe that whilst this theory made significant contributions to understanding the processes involved in development, Eriksons approach does not fit with what is known about socio-emotional development and â€Å"it is likely that children take a variety of paths, and adult outcomes cannot sensibly be re duced to mere differences in levels of maturity† (Ibid.: 2). Goffman (1963: preface- 3) employed the term stigma to refer to a deeply discrediting attribute of an individual that disqualifies them from full social acceptance. Their possession of this attribute that makes them different means they can be reduced in peoples minds from a whole person to a discounted and tainted one (Ibid.: 3). Furthermore, the wider societies standards mean the individual is aware of what others regard as their failing, which can inevitably cause them to believe they fall short of what they ought to be and subsequently shame becomes a central possibility (Ibid.: 7). His work offers insight into how Jan may be feeling about herself after being unable to conceive for such a long time because for many women, â€Å"infertility carries a hidden stigma born of shame and secrecy† (Whiteford Gonzales, 1995: 27). Involuntary childlessness can adversely affect an individuals relationships, their feelings about themselves and their ability to function, develop and pa rticipate in society â€Å"may be compromised by their inability to undertake conventional roles associated with parenting† (Blyth, 1999: 729-730). Whiteford Gonzalezs (Ibid.: 27-35) research on 25 women who sought medical treatment for infertility, demonstrated the hidden burden of infertility reflected in the stigma, pain and spoiled identities of those interviewed. The women in their sample experienced the consequences of their social identity and suffered because they had: â€Å"internalized the social norms expressed in dominant gender roles, and in so doing see themselves as defective. They suffer from being denied the opportunity proceed with their lives as others do† (Ibid.: 35). Goffman (1963: 9) believed the stigmatised person often responds to their situation by making an attempt to correct their failing. This is evident in Whiteford Gonzales (1995.: 35) study where the women attempted to remedy their problem and fix the broken part of them, giving all they could to become a   normal and whole person and remove the stigma of being infertile. Unfortunately, failure is the most likely outcome of infertility treatment (Blyth, 1999: 729-730), as experienced by Tony and Jan, who had three unsuccessful attempts at IVF before withdrawing from the programme. Moreover, Goffman (1963: 9) emphasised that where such a repair is possible, this does not necessarily lead to the acquisition of fully normal status. Instead â€Å"a transformation of self from someone with a particular blemish into someone with a record of having corrected a particular blemish† (Ibid.) occurs, which Jan, who has successfully overcome her infertility and become a mother may be experi encing. One significant criticism levelled at Goffmans theory is of the apparently helpless role attributed to individuals with stigmatic qualities (Carnevale, 2007: 12). Furthermore, Nettleton (2006: 96) reiterates the importance of recognising stigma is not an attribute of the individual but a â€Å"thoroughly social concept which is generated, sustained and reproduced in the context of social inequalities† instead. Nonetheless, Goffmans model remains dominant and highly respected and his representation of the social difficulties people with stigmatic qualities face is still considered highly valid (Carnevale, 2007: 12). Whilst attachment behaviour is especially evident in childhood, it also characterises people from cradle to the grave (Bowlby, 1977: 203). Furthermore, the capacity to form intimate emotional bonds in both the care giving and care seeking role is considered a principal feature of effective personality functioning and mental health (Bowlby, 1988: 121). Bowlby (1977.: 206) proposed there was a strong relationship between a persons experiences with their parents and their later ability to form affectional bonds and that: â€Å"common variations in that capacity, manifesting themselves in marital problems and trouble with children as well as in neurotic symptoms and personality disorders, can be attributed to certain common variations in the ways that parents perform their roles† (Ibid.). Subsequently, attachment theory advocates believe many forms of psychiatric disorders can be attributed to failure of the development of attachment behaviour (Bowlby, 1977: 201). This is supported by et als. (1996: 310) research which found insecure attachment appeared to impact upon self-esteem and self worth contingencies resulting in depressive symptoms in adulthood. Whilst we know little of Jans attachment behaviour as a child, her relationship with her mother is precarious at present and when looking at the symptoms that Jan is displaying they could infer she is experiencing postnatal depression. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was developed by Cox et al. (1987) to assist health care professionals recognise postnatal depression. Statements used to identify the condition include: â€Å"Things have been getting on top of me†; â€Å"I have been feeling sad or miserable†; â€Å"I have been anxious or worried for no good reason† and â€Å"I have blamed myself unnecessarily when things went wrong†, all of which could be applied to how Jan is feeling at present. Moreover, her constant low mood and feelings of inadequacy as a mother match some of the symptoms of postnatal depression described on NHS Directs (2008: online) website. Therefore, whilst this is only a tentative explanation of Jans feelings, it should be explored by the social worker working with this family.   Additionally, unresolved childhood attachment issues can leave adults vulnerable to experiencing difficulties in forming secure adult relationships (Evergreen Consultants in Human Behaviour, 2006: online). Attachment problems can be handed down transgenerationally unless the chain is broken and therefore, an insecurely attached adult may lack the ability to form a strong attachment with their own child (Ibid). Subsequently, uthis theory offers the possibility that poor formation of affectional bonds in Jans own childhood could explain why she is struggling to form an attachment bond with her own baby. Furthermore, new relations can be affected by expectations developed in previous relationships and there is a strong correlation between insecure adult attachment and marital dissatisfaction (Ibid.). This could offer an explanation for why Jan believes Tony does not provide the emotional support she requires. Nonetheless, whilst trauma experienced in the early years can be associated with problems in the long term, it should not be assumed this is disastrous for a childs physical, cognitive and emotional development and will automatically blight the rest of a their life (Daniel, 2006: 195). As Barth et al. (2005: 259) contend, while attachment problems may predispose a child towards later problems, these problems must be evaluated and treated within the context of their current environment. Social work practitioners providing appropriate interventions can make a long-term difference because adversity experienced in the early years can be compensated for and the worst effects ameliorated if support is given (Daniel, 2006: 195). Evidently, an understanding of human development theory provides more than an interesting background topic and is indispensable to good social work practice (and Thompson, 2008: 139). Whilst no theories providing insights into development are foolproof, in combination they have much to offer to a practitioners understanding of those they work with. Thus, it is imperative a social worker should consider biological, psychological and sociological approaches in order to carry out a full and holistic assessment of this familys needs. However,as Thompson and Thompson (Ibid.) assert, it is easy for practitioners to wrongly believe the knowledge base will offer off-the-peg, ready-made answers and simply apply theories to practice in a mechanical, blanket fashion. Therefore, it is important for skilled reflective practitioners to be competent at drawing out relevant aspects of the theory base and employ them in a way that is tailored to fit the situation instead (Ibid.). Moreover, as Thompson (2009: 63) emphasises, there is a danger that when looking at   development across the life course it can be used as a rigid framework that we expect everyone to fit into and then regard those who do not as abnormal or having a problem. Consequently, it must be recognised that this traditional approach taken to development across the the life course can be very oppressive and discriminate against those who do not conform to the trend (Ibid.). For this reason, the life course should be considered as a means of â€Å"beginning to understand common stages of development and is not a rigid framework for making judgements about abnormality† (Ibid.). To conclude, as Thompson and Thompson (2008: 99) remind us, understanding development is not making everyone fit into a stereotypical assumption about what is normal but rather to recognise there are significant patterns that underpin growth and development and to the attitudes and behaviours associated with thes e.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Clothing Retail Store In Andhra Pradesh

A Clothing Retail Store In Andhra Pradesh Introduction It is situated in southern coast of India and its capital is Hyderabad. Telugu is the official language and kuchipudi is the state dance of Andhra Pradesh Name of the store:- SHINNING STAR STORE Description of clothing retail store Cloth retailing is one of the top retailers in India because fashion has become very much popular among youngsters and even middle age. In India western culture is followed nowadays and our country is following their style like anything. Becoming the owner of clothing retail store is not that easy it requires lot of planning and hard work. In this venture we should know the ins and outs of the fashion retail business. The hours of operation will be Monday to Saturday 10 a.m to 8 p.m . The competitors are shoppers stop , Westside , palem leathers , pantaloons , Bombay store , Max , etc. Environmental scanning of Andhra Pradesh I am opening a clothing retail store in Andhra Pradesh and the city that i have selected is Hyderabad .Andhra Pradesh. The retail industry in Hyderabad is on the rise. The reason for choosing this city is that its 6th metropolis in India , development ,advancement of the infrastructure , due to its size and population. The clothing retail store will be free from any political and social barrier as I am opening according to government policies and society. Retail store identity- The brand name is KELVIN and logo Types of retailers My store is a speciality store majority of western and rest is Indian wears . Its for family shopping Company ownership My store is organised as a sole proprietorship me and my manager handle all his administrative and managerial duties of the clothing retail store Vision of the retail store- To sell products according to customers and satisfy their needs to build long term relationship and to stay in the market for long run. To be best clothing retailer among other retail store. Mission of the retail store- To satisfy customers in terms of services and provide them best quality clothes according to their tastes and preferences at cheaper rate than competitors and assortments of all sizes and styles. We believe in providing excellent and superior services and making shopping a relaxed and pleasurable experience. Objectives The primary objective is to provide one-stop-shopping for all the members of a family To create shopping environment To make shopping convenient. To attain a position in urban areas of Hyderabad To build long term relationship with customers To gain profit To ensure that our customers get the best value, quality and satisfaction from using the services given by my store Goals · To become a profitable business Gain profits to provide them fresh stock Selling clothes according to new fashion Goodwill in the market Establishing for a long run To create customer and seller relationship To maximise customers Business plan- Without business plan we cant move forward in opening a retail store. too It involves both time and money budget. We need to frame out our business policies like working hours ,rules and regulations, inventory and need to work out on our advertising and marketing plan as well as employee details ,expansion plans, use of profit, investment and partnership policies. 2. Selling products of the retail store- Our products will range from basics to stylish wear.Womens clothes ,childrens wear ,mens wear ,casual and sports wear . Services- Free delivery E-retailing Credit card payment Online transaction Guide Parking facilities Help desk Proper assortment Discount offers Convenient billing procedures Occasional offers One stop shop 3.Marketing plan All goods will be purchased according to the customer tastes and preferences and all sizes of men , women and children. Pricing strategy We base the product lines that we carry on their reputation and quality as western and Indian wear apparel. Most of our lines come with a suggested retail price that we will follow. We will provide discounts and special offers seasonally and occasionally. The most important thing is that we will provide them products at cheaper rate than competitors. Promotion strategy It is done by advertising providing free samples posters and banners online advertising pamphlets brand ambassador radio , etc. Positioning- We will offer name brand western and Indian wear in a larger assortment of styles and sizes that arent always readily available in the mass. To give customers excellent experience through our stores and provide them whole product line and services. Barriers Competition Input cost Inflation Less productive labour Increase in taxes Economies of scale SWOT Analysis Strength- Demographic factors Shopping Convenience Availability of resources Organized Retail Weaknesses- New retail store Taxation hurdle Developing supply chain Oppurtunities Location Market Growth E-Retailing Lifestyle and convenient retailing Threats- Competition from shoppers stop,pantaloons, Inflation Market analysis of the retail store There are four factors which are taken into consideration when market analysis is done for the clothing retail store:- target market- I am opening the store in Hyderabad city in suburban and urban areas. As the popularity increases we expect to see an assortment of curiosity seekers, and local residents as well as the seasonal purchases. And for those who find difficulty while purchasing western and Indian clothes at one place. customers- they will be of high and middle income group competitors shoppers stop , Westside , Bombay store , pantaloons , palem leathers , etc. Fashion- seasonal or the occasional and the latest trends prevails in that city. Market share- Our intension will be to gain 80% market share by focusing on positioning , location , other brands ,promotions, etc. Organisational structure- Owner Store manager Cashier Salesmen 4.Operational plan- Location I am opening this retail store in Hyderabad There are major factors on which location depends your ability to pay for it ,land cost the visibility of that location to the target segment you plan to focus on. No. of other clothing retail store in that area Lifestyle of that particular area Demographic factors like age ,sex ,etc. Competition in that area The place is 1000 square feet and has been taken on lease for two years. Key supplier- Supply chain management is very necessary because of inventory management so that we will earn maximum if there will be no shortage of stock anytime. The clothes will be imported from Delhi and Mumbai. Store layout- We follow the pattern of free form layout as it provides relaxing environment and facilitates shopping and browsing. Products are placed in a systematic manner. The store will be double storeyed on ground floor kids section, 1st floor for womens section and 2nd floor for mens section. Well provide convenient shopping to our customers Credit policy- Being a retail environment we will not be selling on credit well accept cash , checks , and all major credit cards because through there is reduction in bad debts. Merchandise Management System: The order received from a vendor are kept in warehouse and inventory is raised when there is shortage of stock . Therefore there is need to keep a record of total orders received and sale. There is a need to manage the merchandise so as to keep minimum level of stock which should be there all the time in store. To run retail store well we have to look upon our inventory time to time. We should give both the quality and compatibility to customers. Store management- Its very important for the retail store to manage their store. Employees will be encouraged to work in their creative , physical and intellectual boundaries. Duties will be delegated according to strengths and weakness . All decisions are made in-line with the company objectives and employees tasks are delegated based upon their level of expertise , creativity ,etc. Medical benefits are also given to employees . All Entire workforce of the clothing retail store. Owner 1 store manager 3 cashiers 6 salesperson Security guard Delivery vans, bikes and boys Merchandise will be purchased according to companys mission and customer focus of outfitting all sizes including womens plus sizes , mens big and tall and for kids of 1 day to 16 yrs. I would use the round track for displaying the clothes in the retail store. Human resource management- In clothing retail store we need both skilled and unskilled labour and follow the policy of customer relationship management. I would follow these steps in my clothing retail store:- Retail market financial Retail site location Customer relationship management (CRM) Information Distribution system. 5. Financial plan Requirement There is a need of 5 crores to open clothing retail store . We have planned to open a retail store that is in Hyderabad. Supplement financing is also required to work on site preparation , inventory , and operational expenses. The loan amount appears in the long term Use of fund Funds will be used to pay renovation , construction ,sales counter ,painting, carpeting , lighting, dà ©cor display fixtures .We will also purchase inventory , cash register and computer equipments and also an inventory management system and rest will be the operating cost. In future well reinvest residual profits into company expansion and personnel. Projected cash flow Our business will collect immediate payments from the customer. So it will much likely to the income statement. Our cash flow statement clearly demonstrates our ability to cover all the bills. Projected balance sheet Clothing retail store will launch in Hyderabad with an equity of 2 crores and 1crore in loans. Credit amount and suppliers term for inventory will appear in the balance sheet as a short term liabilities. All the other details will also be shown in the balance sheet. Customers on Average/day Expected Growth on sale Sale/Day Sale /Month Sale Yearly 140*100 on Average 14000 420000 5040000 Second Year 25% 17500 525000 6300000 Third year 25% 21875 656250 7875000 Expected Break Even Point/store Break even analysis has been completed on the basis of average costs/prices.The following chart shows what we need to sell per month to break even, according to these assumptions: Expected Break Even Point/store Break Even Analysis PV Ratio= Contribution *100 Particulars Amount Sales Sales 5040000 Variable cost 3252000 35% Contribution 1788000 BEP Points= Fixed Cost/PV Ratio Fixed Cost 1357500 3826510 Net Profit 430500 Future expectations If we will achieve and exceed our sales and profitability goals we will increase the product line and expand our line of brands with those that have been repeatedly requested by our customers. Keys to success of the retail store Targeting customer Assortments of all sizes to fit the customers Advertising and promotion in targeted areas Latest trends in the market Valuable customer service

Monday, August 19, 2019

Carolina :: Essays Papers

Carolina Carolina Arboleda was born in Columbia before moving to Greenwich six years ago. She moved to America along with her mother’s side of the family, while her father and his blood related family members remain in Columbia. Carolina’s first impression of Greenwich was that it is a fairly boring town, with an absence of activities and places to go. She did however praise the good school system, and hoped to make the best of her new life. Family is very important to Carolina. She has a brother who is three years old and a sister who is fourteen years old. She gets along fairly well with her siblings, and spends quality time with her sister, usually going to movies or the library. Since her sister is significantly younger, they don’t associate with the same friends or go to parties together, but maintain a close relationship that she hopes will last a lifetime. Carolina thinks that living with only her mother and siblings brings their family closer as a whole, for everybody has to help out around the house and contribute to the family’s general well being. In the absence of a job, Carolina spends her time with friends and doing schoolwork. She does not participate in any organized sports, but likes to play basketball and swim at a local park. She says that her mom has never pressured her into doing any sports or activities that she didn’t want to do, but does however support her in her schoolwork. Carolina prefers trips into New York City instead of staying in Greenwich on the weekends where she likes to hang out at video arcades, and go to dance clubs with friends. While stuck in Greenwich Carolina enjoys going to movies and occasionally hanging out at the library, reading and relaxing in the calm environment. Since she does not yet have a car Carolina relies on rides from her mother and friends to take her to school and other activities. Carolina is a senior at Greenwich High School, a place that plays a very significant role in her life, for it is where she spends most of her time, and it is her performance here, which will determine the next school that she attends. Generally, Carolina likes Greenwich High School, but thinks that it is too strict sometimes. She thinks that the closed-door policies are not needed and just causes a hassle for students in the morning.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Use of Technology in Teaching Essay -- education, pedagogical approach

In this paper I will introduce you to my reflections that helped influence my pedagogical approach in the use of technology to address my learner needs. I will deliberate how this impacted on my current and future teaching, learning and assessment practices. I aim to discuss technological advances in my industry, which is health, and how this impacts on my students now and into the future. I will explain ways I made adjustments in the use of technology within my teaching area to better meet both mine and the student’s needs. My goal is to explain the strategies I will use to strengthen this area for ongoing development and how this will help in making adjustments to specific occupational and personal needs of my students. Reflections on past, current and future approach in the use of technology I would like to discuss how I went from delivering a face to face class of 12 students to today having over 100 students externally using technology as my main delivery method. Lets go back to the beginning of my delivery of a Certificate IV level in the health area. I started at my workplace by being given a qualification to deliver, and nothing much else. I wrote the material required for a face to face class, as that is all that I knew to do at the time. I did this for over a few years in which time I collated a reasonable amount of feedback from both my current and prospective students. This started me on a journey of critical reflection resulting in distant and online delivery. Looking back on my reflective practice approaches and journey, I have come a long way but still have a way to go. John Dewey’s vision in1923, was â€Å"School should be less of a preparation for life and more like life itself.† (Dewey, 1923) Although he was... ...reditation MIMS Australia . (2013). Retrieved from MIMS Australia : Dewey, J. (1923). Democracy and Education-An introduction to the Pilosophy of Education. Los Angeles, Calafornia: Indo European Publishing. Martha Burkle, M. C.-I. (2013, January). Defining the role adjument profile of learners and instructors online. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks,, 17(1), 73 -87. Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance Education: A Systems View of online learning. Belmont,CA : Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Rory McGreal, M. E. (2011). Technologies of online learning (E-Learning). In T. Anderson (Ed.), The Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Edmonton: Au Press, Athabasca University. Rushton, I. S. (2012). Reflective Practice For Teaching In Lifelong Learning. Maidenhead, GBR: Open University Press.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Lost Duke of Wyndham Chapter Twenty

Outside the carriage, the atmosphere was considerably less tense. The three men remained on horseback, never quite in a line. Every now and then one of them would increase his pace or fall behind, and one horse would pass another. Perfunctory greetings would be exchanged. Occasionally someone would comment on the weather. Lord Crowland seemed rather interested in the native birds. Thomas didn't say much, but – Jack glanced over at him – good Lord, was he whistling? â€Å"Are you happy?† Jack asked, his voice a bit short. Thomas looked back in surprise. â€Å"Me?† He frowned, thinking about it. â€Å"I suppose I am. It's a rather fine day, don't you think?† â€Å"A fine day,† Jack echoed. â€Å"None of us is trapped in the carriage with that evil old hag,† Crowland announced. â€Å"We should all be happy.† Then he added, â€Å"Pardon,† since the evil old hag was, after all, grandmother to both of his companions. â€Å"Pardons unnecessary on my account,† Thomas said. â€Å"I agree with your assessment completely.† There had to be something significant in this, Jack thought – that their conversation kept returning to how relieved they all were not to be in the dowager's presence. It was damned strange, to tell the truth, and yet, it did make one think†¦ â€Å"Will I have to live with her?† he blurted out. Thomas looked over and grinned. â€Å"The Outer Hebrides, my man, the Outer Hebrides.† â€Å"Why didn't you do it?† Jack demanded. â€Å"Oh, believe me, I will, on the off chance I still possess any power over her tomorrow. And if I don't†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Thomas shrugged. â€Å"I'll need some sort of employment, won't I? I always wished to travel. Perhaps I shall be your scout. I'll find the oldest, coldest place on the island. I shall have a rollicking good time.† â€Å"For God's sake,† Jack swore. â€Å"Stop talking like that.† He did not want this to be preordained. He did not want it to be understood. Thomas ought to be fighting for his place in the world, not blithely handing it over. Because he himself did not want it. He wanted Grace, and he wanted his freedom, and more than anything, right at that very moment, he wanted to be somewhere else. Anywhere else. Thomas gave him a curious look but said nothing more. And neither did Jack. Not when they reached Pollamore, or Cavan town, or even as they rode into Butlersbridge. Night had long since fallen, but Jack knew every storefront, every last signpost and tree. There was the Derragarra Inn, where he'd got himself drunk on his seventeenth birthday. There was the butcher, and the blacksmith, and ah, yes, there was the oatmeal mill, behind which he'd stolen his first kiss. Which meant that in five – no, make that four – more minutes, he would be home. Home. It was a word he had not uttered in years. It had had no meaning. He'd lived in inns and public houses and sometimes under the stars. He'd had his ragtag group of friends, but they drifted in and out of togetherness. They thieved together more by convenience than anything else. All they'd had in common was a shared past in the military, and a willingness to give a portion of their bounty to those who had returned from the war less fortunate than they. Over the years, Jack had given money to men without legs, women without husbands, children without parents. No one ever questioned where he'd got the money. He supposed his bearing and accent were those of a gentleman, and that was enough. People saw what they wanted to see, and when a former officer (who never quite got around to sharing his name) came bearing gifts†¦ No one ever wanted to question it. And through all this, he'd told no one. Who had there been to tell? Grace. Now there was Grace. He smiled. She would approve. Perhaps not of the means, but certainly of the end. The truth was, he'd never taken anything from anyone who hadn't looked as if they could afford it. And he'd always been careful to more thoroughly rob the most annoying of his victims. Such scruples would not have kept him from the gallows, but it had always made him feel a bit better about his chosen profession. He heard a horse draw up next to his, and when he turned, there was Thomas, now keeping pace beside him. â€Å"Is this the road?† he asked quietly. Jack nodded. â€Å"Just around the bend.† â€Å"They are not expecting you, are they?† â€Å"No.† Thomas had far too much tact to question him further, and indeed, he allowed his mount to fall back by half a length, granting Jack his privacy. And then there it was. Cloverhill. Just as he'd remembered it, except maybe the vines had taken over a bit more of the brick facade. The rooms were lit, and the windows shone with warmth. And even though the only sounds were those made by the traveling party, Jack could swear he could hear laughter and merriment seeping out through the walls. Dear God, he'd thought he'd missed it, but this†¦ This was something more. This was an ache, a true, pounding pain in his chest; an empty hole; a sob, forever caught in his throat. This was home. Jack wanted to stop, to take a moment to gaze at the graceful old house, but he heard the carriage drawing closer and knew that he could not keep everyone at bay while he indulged his own nostalgia. The last thing he wanted was for the dowager to barge in ahead of him (which he was quite certain she would do), so he rode up to the entrance, dismounted, and walked up the steps on his own. He closed his eyes and drew a long breath, and then, since he wasn't likely to amass any more courage in the next few minutes, he lifted the brass knocker and brought it down. There was no immediate reply. This was not a surprise. It was late. They were unexpected. The butler might have retired for the night. There were so many reasons they should have got rooms in the village and made their way to Cloverhill in the morning. He didn't want – The door opened. Jack held his hands tightly behind his back. He'd tried leaving them at his sides, but they started to shake. He saw the light of the candle first, and then the man behind it, wrinkled and stooped. â€Å"Master Jack?† Jack swallowed. â€Å"Wimpole,† he said. Good heavens, the old butler must be nearing eighty, but of course his aunt would have kept him on, for as long as he wished to work, which, knowing Wimpole, would be until the day he died. â€Å"We were not expecting you,† Wimpole said. Jack tried for a smile. â€Å"Well, you know how I like a surprise.† â€Å"Come in! Come in! Oh, Master Jack, Mrs. Audley will be so pleased to see you. As will – † Wimpole stopped, peering out the door, his wizened old eyes creasing into a squint. â€Å"I am afraid that I brought a few guests,† Jack explained. The dowager had already been helped down from the carriage, and Grace and Amelia were right behind her. Thomas had grabbed onto his grandmother's arm – hard, from the looks of it – to give Jack a few moments alone, but the dowager was already showing signs of impending outrage. â€Å"Wimpole?† came a feminine voice. â€Å"Who is here at this hour?† Jack stood stiffly, hardly able to breathe. It was his aunt Mary. She sounded exactly the same. It was as if he'd never left†¦ Except it wasn't. If he'd never left, his heart wouldn't be pounding, his mouth wouldn't be dry. And most of all, he wouldn't feel so bloody terrified. Scared spitless at seeing the one person who had loved him his entire life, with her whole heart and without condition. â€Å"Wimpole? I – † She'd rounded the corner and was staring at him like a ghost. â€Å"Jack?† â€Å"In the flesh.† He tried for a jovial tone but couldn't quite manage it, and deep inside, down where he kept his blackest moments, he wanted to cry. Right there, in front of everyone, it was twisting and writhing inside of him, bursting to get out. â€Å"Jack!† she cried out, and she hurled herself forward, throwing her arms around him. â€Å"Oh, Jack. Jack, my dear sweet boy. We've missed you so.† She was covering his face with kisses, like a mother would her son. Like she should have been able to do for Arthur. â€Å"It is good to see you, Aunt Mary,† he said. He pulled her tight then and buried his face in the crook of her neck, because she was his mother, in every way that mattered. And he'd missed her. By God, he'd missed her, and in that moment it did not matter that he'd hurt her in the worst way imaginable. He just wanted to be held. â€Å"Oh, Jack,† she said, smiling through her tears, â€Å"I ought to horsewhip you for staying away so long. Why would you do such a thing? Don't you know how worried we were? How – â€Å" â€Å"Ahem.† Mary stopped and turned, still holding Jack's face in her hands. The dowager had made her way to the front entrance and was standing behind him on the stone steps. â€Å"You must be the aunt,† she said. Mary just stared at her. â€Å"Yes,† she finally replied. â€Å"And you are†¦?† â€Å"Aunt Mary,† Jack said hastily, before the dowager could speak again, â€Å"I am afraid I must introduce you to the dowager Duchess of Wyndham.† Mary let go of him and curtsied, stepping aside as the dowager swept past her. â€Å"The Duchess of Wyndham?† she echoed, looking at Jack with palpable shock. â€Å"Good heavens, Jack, couldn't you have sent notice?† Jack smiled tightly. â€Å"It is better this way, I assure you.† The rest of the traveling party came forward at that moment, and Jack completed the introductions, trying not to notice his aunt going from paler to palest after he identified the Duke of Wyndham and the Earl of Crowland. â€Å"Jack,† she whispered frantically, â€Å"I haven't the rooms. We have nothing grand enough – â€Å" â€Å"Please, Mrs. Audley,† Thomas said with a deferential bow, â€Å"do not put yourself out on my accord. It was unforgivable for us to arrive without notice. I would not expect you to go to any great lengths. Although† – he glanced over at the dowager, who was standing in the hall with a sour look on her face – â€Å"perhaps your finest room for my grandmother. It will be easier for everyone.† â€Å"Of course,† Mary said quickly. â€Å"Please, please, it's chilly. You must all come inside. Jack, I do need to tell you – â€Å" â€Å"Where is your church?† the dowager demanded. â€Å"Our church?† Mary asked, looking to Jack in confusion. â€Å"At this hour?† â€Å"I do not intend to worship,† the dowager snapped. â€Å"I wish to inspect the records.† â€Å"Does Vicar Beveridge still preside?† Jack asked, trying to cut the dowager off. â€Å"Yes, but he will surely be abed. It's half nine, I should think, and he is an early riser. Perhaps in the morning. I – â€Å" â€Å"This is a matter of dynastic importance,† the dowager cut in. â€Å"I don't care if it's after midnight. We – â€Å" â€Å"I care,† Jack cut in, silencing her with an icy expression. â€Å"You are not going to pull the vicar out of bed. You have waited this long. You can bloody well wait until morning.† â€Å"Jack!† Mary gasped. She turned to the dowager. â€Å"I did not raise him to speak this way.† â€Å"No, you didn't,† Jack said, which was the closest he was going to come to an apology while the dowager was staring him down. â€Å"You were his mother's sister, weren't you?† the dowager said. Mary looked a bit baffled at the sudden change of topic. â€Å"I am.† â€Å"Were you present at her wedding?† â€Å"I was not.† Jack turned to her in surprise. â€Å"You weren't?† â€Å"No. I could not attend. I was in confinement.† She gave Jack a rueful look. â€Å"I never told you. It was a stillbirth.† Her face softened. â€Å"Just one of the reasons I was so happy to have you.† â€Å"We shall make for the church in the morning,† the dowager announced, uninterested in Mary's obstetrical history. â€Å"First thing. We shall find the papers and be done with it.† â€Å"The papers?† Mary echoed. â€Å"Proof of the marriage,† the dowager bit off. She looked upon Mary with icy condescension, then dismissed her with a flick of her head, adding, â€Å"Are you daft?† It was a good thing Thomas pulled her back, because Jack would have gone for her throat. â€Å"Louise was not married in the Butlersbridge church,† Mary said. â€Å"She was married at Maguiresbridge. In County Fermanagh, where we grew up.† â€Å"How far is that?† the dowager demanded, trying to yank her arm free of Thomas's grasp. â€Å"Twenty miles, your grace.† The dowager muttered something quite unpleasant. Jack could not make out the exact words, but Mary blanched. She turned to him with an expression nearing alarm. â€Å"Jack? What is this all about? Why do you need proof of your mother's marriage?† He looked at Grace, who was standing a bit behind his aunt. She offered him a tiny nod of encouragement, and he cleared his throat and said, â€Å"My father was her son.† Mary looked over at the dowager in shock. â€Å"Your father†¦John Cavendish, you mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Thomas stepped forward. â€Å"May I intercede?† Jack felt exhausted. â€Å"Please do.† â€Å"Mrs. Audley,† Thomas said, with more dignity and collection than Jack could ever have imagined, â€Å"if there is proof of your sister's marriage, then your nephew is the true Duke of Wyndham.† â€Å"The true Duke of – † Mary covered her mouth in shock. â€Å"No. It's not possible. I remember him. Mr. Cavendish. He was – † She waved her arms in the air as if trying to describe him with gestures. Finally, after several attempts at a more verbal explanation, she said, â€Å"He would not have kept such a thing from us.† â€Å"He was not the heir at the time,† Thomas told her, â€Å"and had no reason to believe he would become so.† â€Å"Oh, my heavens. But if Jack is the duke, then you – â€Å" â€Å"Are not,† he finished wryly. â€Å"I am sure you can imagine our eagerness to have this settled.† Mary stared at him in shock. And then at Jack. And then looked as if she very much wanted to sit down. â€Å"I am standing in the hall,† the dowager announced haughtily. â€Å"Don't be rude,† Thomas chided. â€Å"She should have seen to – â€Å" Thomas shifted his grip on her arm and yanked her forward, brushing right past Jack and his aunt. â€Å"Mrs. Audley,† he said, â€Å"we are most grateful for your hospitality. All of us.† Mary nodded gratefully and turned to the butler. â€Å"Wimpole, would you – â€Å" â€Å"Of course, ma'am,† he said, and Jack had to smile as he moved away. No doubt he was rousing the housekeeper to have her prepare the necessary bedrooms. Wimpole had always known what Aunt Mary needed before she'd had to utter the words. â€Å"We shall have rooms readied in no time,† Mary said, turning to Grace and Amelia, who were standing off to the side. â€Å"Would the two of you mind sharing? I don't have – â€Å" â€Å"It is no trouble at all,† Grace said warmly. â€Å"We enjoy each other's company.† â€Å"Oh, thank you,† Mary said, sounding relieved. â€Å"Jack, you shall have to take your old bed in the nursery, and – oh, this is silly, I should not be wasting your time here in the hall. Let us retire to the drawing room, where you may warm yourselves by the fire until your rooms are ready.† She ushered everyone in, but when Jack made to go, she placed her hand on his arm, gently holding him back. â€Å"We missed you,† she said. He swallowed, but the lump in his throat would not dislodge. â€Å"I missed you, too,† he said. He tried to smile. â€Å"Who is home? Edward must have – â€Å" â€Å"Married,† she finished for him. â€Å"Yes. As soon as we were out of mourning for Arthur. And Margaret soon after. They both live close by, Edward just down the lane, Margaret in Belturbet.† â€Å"And Uncle William?† Jack had last seen him at Arthur's funeral. He'd looked older. Older, and tired. And stiff with grief. â€Å"He is well?† Mary was silent, and then an unbearable sorrow filled her eyes. Her lips parted but she did not speak. She did not need to. Jack stared at her in shock. â€Å"No,† he whispered, because it could not be true. He was supposed to have had a chance to say he was sorry. He'd come all the way to Ireland. He wanted to say he was sorry. â€Å"He died, Jack.† Mary blinked several times, her eyes glistening. â€Å"It was two years ago. I didn't know how to find you. You never gave us an address.† Jack turned, taking a few steps toward the rear of the house. If he stayed where he was, someone could see him. Everyone was in the drawing room. If they looked through the doorway, they would see him, struck, ready to cry, maybe ready to scream. â€Å"Jack?† It was Mary, and he could hear her steps moving cautiously toward him. He looked up at the ceiling, taking a shaky, open-mouthed breath. It didn't help, but it was all he could manage. Mary laid her hand on his arm. â€Å"He told me to tell you he loved you.† â€Å"Don't say that.† It was the one thing he couldn't hear. Not just now. â€Å"He did. He told me he knew you would come home. And that he loved you, and you were his son. In his heart, you were his son.† He covered his face with his hands and found himself pressing tight, tighter, as if he could squeeze this all away. Why was he surprised? There was no reason he should be. William was not a young man; he'd been nearly forty when he married Mary. Did he think that life would have stood still in his absence? That no one would have changed, or grown†¦or died? â€Å"I should have come back,† he said. â€Å"I should have – Oh, God, I'm such an idiot.† Mary touched his hand, pulled it gently down and held it. And then she pulled him out of the hall, into the nearest room. His uncle's study. Jack walked over to the desk. It was a hulking, behemoth of a thing, the wood dark and scuffed and smelling like the paper and ink that always lain atop it. But it had never been imposing. Funny, he'd always liked coming in here. It seemed odd, really. He'd been an out of doors sort of boy, always running and racing, and covered in mud. Even now, he hated a room with fewer than two windows. But he had always liked it here. He turned to look at his aunt. She was standing in the middle of the room. She'd closed the door most of the way and set her candle down on a shelf. She turned and looked back at him and said, very softly, â€Å"He knew you loved him.† He shook his head. â€Å"I did not deserve him. Or you.† â€Å"Stop this talk. I won't hear it.† â€Å"Aunt Mary, you know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He put his fisted hand to his mouth, biting down on his knuckle. The words were there, but they burned in his chest, and it was so damned hard to speak them. â€Å"You know that Arthur would not have gone to France if not for me.† She stared at him in bewilderment, then gasped and said, â€Å"Good heavens, Jack, you do not blame yourself for his death?† â€Å"Of course I do. He went for me. He would never have – â€Å" â€Å"He wanted to join the army. He knew it was that or the clergy, and heaven knows he did not want that. He'd always planned – â€Å" â€Å"No,† Jack cut in, with all the force and anger in his heart. â€Å"He hadn't. Maybe he told you he had, but – â€Å" â€Å"You cannot take responsibility for his death. I will not let you.† â€Å"Aunt Mary – â€Å" â€Å"Stop! Stop it!† The heels of her hands were pressed against her temples, her fingers wrapping up and over her skull. More than anything, she looked as if she were trying to shut him out, to put a stop to whatever it was he was trying to tell her. But it had to be said. It was the only way she would understand. And it would be the first time he'd uttered the words aloud. â€Å"I cannot read.† Three words. That's all it was. Three words. And a lifetime of secrets. Her brow wrinkled, and Jack could not tell – did she not believe him? Or was it simply that she thought she'd misheard? People saw what they expected to see. He'd acted like an educated man, and so that was how she'd seen him. â€Å"I can't read, Aunt Mary. I've never been able to. Arthur was the only one who ever realized.† She shook her head. â€Å"I don't understand. You were in school. You were graduated – â€Å" â€Å"By the skin of my teeth,† Jack cut in, â€Å"and only then, with Arthur's help. Why do you think I had to leave university?† â€Å"Jack†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She looked almost embarrassed. â€Å"We were told you misbehaved. You drank too much, and there was that woman, and – and – that awful prank with the pig, and – Why are you shaking your head?† â€Å"I didn't want to embarrass you.† â€Å"You think that wasn't embarrassing?† â€Å"I could not do the work without Arthur's help,† he explained. â€Å"And he was two years behind me.† â€Å"But we were told – â€Å" â€Å"I'd rather have been dismissed for bad behavior than stupidity,† he said softly. â€Å"You did it all on purpose?† He dipped his chin. â€Å"Oh, my God.† She sank into a chair. â€Å"Why didn't you say something? We could have hired a tutor.† â€Å"It wouldn't have helped.† And then, when she looked up at him in confusion he said, almost helplessly, â€Å"The letters dance. They flip about. I can never tell the difference between a d and a b, unless they are uppercase, and even then I – â€Å" â€Å"You're not stupid,† she cut in, and her voice was sharp. He stared at her. â€Å"You are not stupid. If there is a problem it is with your eyes, not your mind. I know you.† She stood, her movements shaky but determined, and then she touched his cheek with her hand. â€Å"I was there the moment you were born. I was the first to hold you. I have been with you for every scrape, every tumble. I have watched your eyes light, Jack. I have watched you think. â€Å"How clever you must have been,† she said softly, â€Å"to have fooled us all.† â€Å"Arthur helped me all through school,† he said as evenly as he was able. â€Å"I never asked him to. He said he liked – † He swallowed then, because the memory was rising in his throat like a cannonball. â€Å"He said he liked to read aloud.† â€Å"I think he did like that.† A tear began to roll down her cheek. â€Å"He idolized you, Jack.† Jack fought the sobs that were choking his throat. â€Å"I was supposed to protect him.† â€Å"Soldiers die, Jack. Arthur was not the only one. He was merely†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She closed her eyes and turned away, but not so fast that Jack didn't see the flash of pain on her face. â€Å"He was merely the only one who mattered to me,† she whispered. She looked up, straight into his eyes. â€Å"Please, Jack, I don't want to lose two sons.† She held out her arms, and before Jack knew it, he was there, in her embrace. Sobbing. He had not cried for Arthur. Not once. He'd been so full of anger – at the French, at himself – that he had not left room for grief. But now here it was, rushing in. All the sadness, all the times he'd witnessed something amusing and Arthur had not been there to share it with. All the milestones he had celebrated alone. All the milestones Arthur would never celebrate. He cried for all of that. And he cried for himself, for his lost years. He'd been running. Running from himself. And he was tired of it. He wanted to stop. To stay in one place. With Grace. He would not lose her. He did not care what he had to do to ensure their future, but ensure it he would. If Grace said that she could not marry the Duke of Wyndham, then he would not be the Duke of Wyndham. Surely there was some measure of his destiny that was still under his control. â€Å"I need to see to the guests,† Mary whispered, pulling gently away. Jack nodded, wiping the last of his tears from his eyes. â€Å"The dowager†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Good lord, what was there to say about the dowager, except: â€Å"I'm so sorry.† â€Å"She shall have my bedchamber,† Mary said. Normally Jack would have forbidden her to give up her room, but he was tired, and he suspected she was tired, and tonight seemed like the perfect time to put ease before pride. And so he nodded. â€Å"That is very kind of you.† â€Å"I suspect it's something closer to self-preservation.† He smiled at that. â€Å"Aunt Mary?† She'd reached the door, but she stopped with her hand on the knob, turning back around to face him. â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"Miss Eversleigh,† he said. Something lit in his aunt's eyes. Something romantic. â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"I love her.† Mary's entire being seemed to warm and glow. â€Å"I am so happy to hear it.† â€Å"She loves me, too.† â€Å"Even better.† â€Å"Yes,† he murmured, â€Å"it is.† She motioned toward the hall. â€Å"Will you return with me?† Jack knew he should, but the evening's revelations had left him exhausted. And he did not want anyone to see him thus, his eyes still red and raw. â€Å"Would you mind if I remained here?† he asked. â€Å"Of course not.† She smiled wistfully and left the room. Jack turned back toward his uncle's desk, running his fingers slowly along the smooth surface. It was peaceful here, and the Lord knew, he needed a spot of peace. It was going to be a long night. He would not sleep. There was no sense in trying. But he did not want to do anything. He did not want to go anywhere, and most of all, he did not want to think. For this moment†¦for this night†¦he just wanted to be. Grace liked the Audleys' drawing room, she decided. It was quite elegant, decorated in soft tones of burgundy and cream, with two seating areas, a writing desk, and several cozy reading chairs in the corners. Signs of family life were everywhere – from the stack of letters on the desk to the embroidery Mrs. Audley must have abandoned on the sofa when she'd heard Jack at the door. On the mantel sat six miniatures in a row. Grace walked over, pretending to warm her hands by the fire. It was their family, she instantly realized, probably painted fifteen years ago. The first was surely Jack's uncle, and the next Grace recognized as Mrs. Audley. After that was†¦Good heavens, was that Jack? It had to be. How could someone change so little? He looked younger, yes, but everything else was the same – the expression, the sly smile. It nearly took her breath away. The other three miniatures were the Audley children, or so Grace assumed. Two boys and one girl. She dipped her head and said a little prayer when she reached the younger of the boys. Arthur. Jack had loved him. Was that what he was talking about with his aunt? Grace had been the last to enter the drawing room; she'd seen Mrs. Audley pull him gently through another doorway. After a few minutes the butler arrived, announcing that their rooms had been prepared, but Grace loitered near the fireplace. She was not ready to leave this room. She was not sure why. â€Å"Miss Eversleigh.† She looked up. It was Jack's aunt. â€Å"You walk softly, Mrs. Audley,† she said. â€Å"I did not hear you approach.† â€Å"That one is Jack,† Mrs. Audley said, reaching out and removing his miniature from the mantel. â€Å"I recognized him,† Grace murmured. â€Å"Yes, he is much the same. This one is my son Edward. He lives just down the lane. And this is Margaret. She has two daughters of her own now.† Grace looked at Arthur. They both did. â€Å"I am sorry for your loss,† Grace finally said. Mrs. Audley swallowed, but she did not seem to be near tears. â€Å"Thank you.† She turned then, and took Grace's hand in hers. â€Å"Jack is in his uncle's study. At the far end of the hall, on the right. Go to him.† Grace's lips parted. â€Å"Go,† Mrs. Audley said, even more softly than before. Grace felt herself nod, and before she'd had time to consider her actions, she was already in the hall, hurrying down toward the end. To the door on the right. â€Å"Jack?† she said softly, pushing the door open a few inches. He was sitting in a chair, facing the window, but he turned quickly and stood at the sound of her voice. She let herself in and closed the door gently behind her. â€Å"Your aunt said – â€Å" He was right there. Right there in front of her. And then her back was against the door, and he was kissing her, hard, fast, and – dear God – thoroughly. And then he stepped away. She couldn't breathe, she could barely stand, and she knew she could not have put together a sentence if her life had depended on it. Never in her life had she wanted anything as much as she wanted this man. â€Å"Go to bed, Grace.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"I cannot resist you,† he said, his voice soft, haggard, and everything in between. She reached toward him. She could not help it. â€Å"Not in this house,† he whispered. But his eyes burned for her. â€Å"Go,† he said hoarsely. â€Å"Please.† She did. She ran up the stairs, found her room, and crawled between her sheets. But she shivered all night. She shivered and she burned.