Sunday, August 11, 2019

Forces of Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Forces of Globalization - Essay Example One such force is the dependency of some nations on others, as a result of the increased inequality between such countries. It is clear that some of the countries have developed to world economic powers as a result of their expertise, resources, and technology. On the other hand, most of the countries around the globe are still underdeveloped, with lack of proper technologies and expertise to exploit their resources. From the past, the relationship between these developed and underdeveloped countries has remained one of dependence, with the latter depending on the former for economic and political. In his book, Wright suggested that the Niumi people were dependent on the British during the colonial times and at a point, they remained without basic resources such as healthcare facilities, until they were built by the British. Such is still the case in the current world as the gap between the developed and developing countries has continuously increased, forcing the developing countrie s to develop in the developed countries for financial and humanitarian aid. International politics has also been an interestingly significant determinant of international interactions. Nations from various parts of the world have different political ambitions, some of which are taken into the international environment, leading to either formation of political alliances or conflict. Defined by different political boundaries, different nations are faced with the mandate to protect the interests and sovereignty of their people.

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