Sunday, August 25, 2019

Madame Edwarda by Georges Bataille Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Madame Edwarda by Georges Bataille - Essay Example Madame Edwarda gives us an accurate introduction to Bataille’s work, where sometimes opposite feelings are combined to describe human state and his connections to higher thoughts. Whether violence is expressed through the narrator or Madame Edwarda’s character, it will give us different point of views. It will also help us understand the connection between violence and erotic that Bataille seems to convey through his work.  Ã‚   The first encounter between the narrator and Madame Edwarda, as presented before, is wordless. As soon as the narrator finished kissing and touching Madame Edwarda, he felt like something high above froze him and he â€Å"became unhappy and felt painfully forsaken, as one is when in the presence of GOD†. The consequence of this sadness was the narrator fear of losing the pleasure he was planning to have with Edwarda and his need to destroy the objects that were surrounding him.  In Georges Bataille: Essential Writings edited by Michae l Richardson , we are explained Bataille’s interest in death and sexuality as they are both manifestation of Bataille’s theory of man’s obsession to nature on which he bases most of his fictional work, historical and social analysis and mystical theory. Nevertheless, death and sexuality are contradictory to social life as they are both founded on taboos and prohibitions. In that first passage, we are clearly shown the basis of Bataille’s theory as the narrator feels sadness in the will of having a relation with a prostitute. It is a direct result of the social taboos linked to society

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